Sunday, December 20

Biggest Loser Asia Audition

If you'd like motivation, watch this tv show in hallmark channel on every Tuesday 9pm. I watched the first episode while sprinting on the treadmill. It was funny to see people around us went for the show.

Here's some tips for you:
The favourite food for those biggest losers are:
1. Fast Food (McDonald's, KFC, Pizza)
2. Fried stuffs.. those deep fried high calories craps.
3. Nasi Lemak Ayam.. haha favourite for most of the Malaysian.
4. Burgers.... ermm.

If 3 of the listed foods are your favourite as well, please look at your tummy now ;)

It has been sometimes...

So long I didn't update the blog already. If you are still visiting, thanks for your support so far. Well, time is flying man, another year passing by soon. By looking back, this is a wonderful year to me. Both my career and my health are improving. Hope to have a better year!

If you are not aware, I've joined Fitness First to access another level of body building. I would say it is really an eye opener to me by looking at various technics and styles when working out. Cooooooool!

This is end of the year, and for those who wanted to set a goal for their body, please do it now.

Merry Christmas and Cheers!