Sunday, January 11

Cari CamPro gathering: 11th Jan

It was a drizzle Saturday night but the rain can't stop us for attending the Campro engine gathering in Dataran Prima, Damansara. Campro engine is a Malaysian local made engine which can produce 11o Horse Power. It came with 2 capacity which is 1.3L (S4PE) and 1.6L(S4PH). Nowadays, new Proton after the Mitsubishi age all start using Campro engine (except for Proton Savvy). So it is considered a cross over gathering for Proton cars including Proton GEN 2, Proton Persona and Proton Satria Neo. All of us are from Chinese Cari Forum, which is the largest chinese forum in Malaysia.

It is a wonderful gathering and we ended up with photo session:

The beauty of Satria Neo:
Me, Junloong and Alvin(From Left)

Proton Gen2: AlienOng, Travis and friends(From right)

It that beautiful? Thanks to Junloong who taking these photos :)

Thank you to Buddy Alvin, Junloong, Nickei, Ah Seng, Alien Ong, Travis, 降龙十八掌 and more to mention for make this gathering unforgettable!

More reading on Campro engine: