Friday, March 6

My secret weapons

Just like you I will feel tired and exhausted after a workout session. Thanks to my mum who brought me my 2 secret weapons - Honey and Enzyme!

Honey, a good supplement that can provide me a various of vitamins and micro nutrients such as niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium and zinc where I don't think I can have them all by eating daily foods. Furthermore honey contains a variety of flavonoids and phenolic acids which act as antioxidants, scavenging and eliminating free radicals. Generally, darker honeys have higher antioxidant content than lighter honeys. This bottle of honey is not the ordinary honey that you can get it outside, it is wild honey :)

Enzyme - this popular healthy drink is quit hot in Malaysia and all over the world today, it is a real good stuff which is very important to bodybuilder that always eat a lot of meats. We need enzyme to digest our food and absorbs all its nutrition, furthermore it will also help to purify your bloodstream and it contains antioxidants to protect your cells. More important is, you can D.I.Y! The taste can be different depends on what fruits you are using, this bottle is a grape enzyme and it tastes great just like red wine! Google yourself for enzyme DIY.